Welcome to our Link Resource Page! Below you can read about the main contributor Andrea who has graciously given us a "starting point" in our search to help our children. Below
her story you will have lots of links to do your research for your child. Please email Andrea
Who is Andrea?
I'm the mom of two wonderful boys, Christopher, 7 and Aidan,
Christopher is diagnosed with Bipolar & ADHD, he may also
have OCD & ODD. In school Christopher receives Speech and Occupational Therapy and Resource help for Reading and
Aidan has a severe speech delay, sensory integration problems
and we hope to learn more about his problems soon.
From the time Christopher was about 16 months, I knew something
wasn't *right*, I assumed he had ADHD, that's what I knew about and it *fit* him. I searched for help in dealing with
him, I was told that I needed to learn to parent, it was all in my head, no child could do the things I was saying.
Needless to say, no one was willing to help me. I did my best to get through each day and hope the next would be no
Our History:
In December of 2001, my husband was diagnosed with
Bipolar along with other mental health problems. It was truly a blessing in disguise. Everyone started listening
to me! Since the original diagnosis, we have had to change doctors
due to insurance in one case and incompetence in another case. We have also changed therapists for the same reasons.
We've tried differnt medications and combinations along the way.
Christopher now sees a wonderful doctor and therapist and with
their help he is doing great. I know that great today is no guarantee for tomorrow, but it gives me hope. He is
currently on Depakote, Risperdal, Concerta and Lexapro.
We are praying that Aidan escapes this awful diagnosis, but know
that he may not. At least this time, we are prepared!
Please email me anytime if you should have a question about any
of the links I have provided for you to do further research for your child/children. I would be more then happy to help in
any way that I can.
Thank you,
ASK ANDREA < click here to email me (PLease put "Andrea's Links" in the subject line.) Thank you!!
Andrea's Awesome Links:
Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder: This is an update from the National Institute of Mental Health. I like NIMH in general
& think this is a good article.
http://www.mgh.harvard.edu/depts/pediatricpsych/conferences/bipolar_2003/baster_poster.pdf study examining the neuropsychological
performance of children diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
July 9, 2003, Studies clarify diagnosis, identify possible treatment for adults with both ADHD and BPD
Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation
Support group for Southern Cali, has some good info for everyone.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance-this site is GREAT!!!!! It gives info about everything. Make sure to read the articles
under Resources>Mental Health News.
Bipolar Children
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
Bipolar Parenting
Medication issues for bipolar children and teens
Bipolar Disorders Center Resources
Bipolar Disorder
NAMI | By Illness
Pendulum Resources: Your Gateway to Bipolar Disorders on the Web.
Dizzy yet? Grab that second cup of coffee and keep surfing and saving!
SAMHSA's National Mental Health Information Center
Parenting Bipolars - A Survival Guide for Parents
bpparents 's Home PageBIPOLAR Kids
Red Flags IV - Symptoms of Bipolar Children
Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation - participate in studies!
How I Feel When I'm Manic-Symptoms of Mania
Management of Bipolar Disorder - September 15, 2000 - American Family Physician
BPhoenix: Bipolar Brain Changes and Imaging
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry - March 2002
McLean Hospital Researchers Suggest Cause of Bipolar Disorder, March 1, 2004 - McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA-study found that
the mitochondria might not function aseffectively in the brains of those with bipolar.
Bipolar Disorder-NIMH, tells one what BP is, the signs of it, treatment, and locating services
New Survey Shows Fear of Medication, Confusing Information Keep Children With Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder from
APA Testimony on ADHD Treatment
The Long-term Safety of Stimulant Treatment
Children achieve sustained ADHD symptom improvement with long-term, once-daily use of Adderall XR
"ADHD.org.nz - What is ADHD?"
PBS - frontline: medicating kids: interviews: russell barkley
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)-NIMH, tells one what ADHD is, symptoms, how it's diagnosed, treatment & locating
keepkidshealthy.com : http://www.aap.org/policy/s0120.html- treatment guidelins for children with ADHD.
Medication & Physician:
This article/site is about Menatl health in general:
American Psychiatric Association-TONS of good info.
Consumers CHECKBOOK Top Doctors- I LOVE this site, click on your state & find license & disciplinary actions on doctors. Some
states are more detailed than others.
DrugDigest-Find information about medications.
Drug Information Center | MyHealth @ Anthem-Find medication by brand or generic name or by condition. There is also a place
to check interactions.
I hope you got a lot out of my links and I am looking forward to hearing from you. My email address
is above.
