John is 10 yrs old & in the 4th grade. He started speech therapy when he was 2 yrs old and continues to receive
it now. When he was 6 the school told us he was severly dyslexic, he has also been dx'd with APD, ODD, ADD, SID and depression. Each
day in school is a struggle that leaves him physically & mentally exhausted. He has suffered from drastic mood changes
for quite awhile, it has only been this past year that he & I have been unable to control them. His father &
I have been separated for 2 1/2 yrs now & he refused to acknowledge that John had a problem until he was the
recipient of a violent rage. Even now he does not accept the extent of John's issues.
The rages escalated to the point where the neighbors called the police twice. One time he chased his 14 yr old
sister out of the apartment into the streets with me chasing them. I lost sight of them both, but a neighbor found my
daughter running terrified & crying, he called the police & helped me restrain & calm john.
Mid-October 2003 the Paxil was stopped & Seroquil started. By December the rages were somewhat under control
& mostly non-violent. He makes a valiant effort to control the anger, but the rapid & drastic mood changes continue. The
pdoc recently dx'd him as having a Mood Disorder & he is being evaluated for a Bi-Polar dx.
I am currently attempting to get John into a Social Skills Group therapy program & find him a psychiatrist who actually
understands childhood mood disorders. In addition John has been seeing a psychotherapist, weekly, since he is 6. This
man is a God send as are the wonderful people at John's school.
this is john at the Intrepid Air & Space Museum, June, 2002, just
prior to the
mood disorder completely rearing it's ugly head, we were still
able (barely)
to keep in control . his dream is to enlist in the U.S. Air force
january 2003. the rages are growing more
intense, paxil is prescribed in addition to the
ritalin he's been taking since he was 6 yrs old.
he's starting to gain a bit too much weight.
john with our largest female turtle & his sister with grandma's rescued
dog, December 2003. the rages had become intense & extremely violent. at this point he was one step away from
being admitted to the hospital.
he has stopped the paxil & started seroquil, the weight gain is really
beginning to tell.
john's room after a rage
my bedroom door, his sis & i were
locked in the room
This is truly an example of how LOVING our children have the ability to be and examples of
how heartbreaking their illness can be. It's the illness that keeps them from enjoying a childhood they deserve to have
and so if you are a parent, struggling with your child - don't give up, get help, keep moving and improving, there is
some light at the end of the tunnel, but you will never find it if you do not remain strong and vigilent.
Donna, thank you for being so giving. You just helped a Mom or a Dad out there.
I am very proud to know you my friend,
Jen :)