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Please email me so that I may include you, a relative and/or a friend on our prayer list.



A Prayer For My Child <

Many people email me because they found me just by stumbling, trying to find info. about BP in children and it's almost like fate and I treat it very sacred, so if you have a child, a child in need of a prayer. please email me. It would be an honor to post your request here. 
1/24/05 -

Prayer request for Gary and Cindy Hogan

Gary is serving in Iraq while his young wife is fighting cancer here.  Prayer is a powerful thing.


Bobby S. Briggs, MSgt, USAF


 Flight Sergeant


Tough times don't last... Tough people do!!!

 My name is Gary Hogan. Some of you receiving this know me some do not. My wife, Cindy, is 32 years old and has just been diagnosed 3 days ago with stage 4 cervical cancer and her chances for survival are very slim. She was pregnant with our second child and had miscarried recently at 3 months, and now we know why. This is a request for you to forward this e-mail to everyone you know asking for prayer. The more people that pray for her to be healed, the better. Pray and forward.  It only takes a second to hit "forward". Please do it and don't delete  this, your prayer can and perhaps will save her life. Please pray and ask  everyone you know to pray for the HEALING of Cindy, removal of all cancer  in her body so she may enjoy all that life has to offer, and to continue to be  the wonderful mother to our 5-year-old son, Michael. The power of Prayer is unsurpassed and I want the whole world to have her in  their prayers the next few weeks. God will hear our cry. Please do not be offended by my plea. This is only a request for your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this and helping with Our request for healing.! No words can express the power we have when we  each do a little to come together.


 Cindy's in-love husband - Gary

 Thank you, and please send it to the far reaches of our world. 


This one is actually for my own child, who had a due date of 6/24/04 but unfortunatly, he or she was taken away from us at 11 weeks.  This was an unexpected pregnancy, but one that was a welcomed  addition to our family.  To be told from an ultrasound that your child's heart had stopped beating was the worst day of my life.  When I was told of the complications of  genetics - I felt more at peace.  I could understand and accept much better, but this child is missed.  There is a song that much reminds me of how I felt and do feel about this child and I leave it with you all here:
-  Is there life after love?  Some things are uncertain, but some things I am sure of.... like Angels in Heaven and God up above, is there life after love? - Shania Twain.
9/21/99 -
God Bless Kenneth in boot camp as he prepares for something he may not quite know what he's getting himself into.  Mom, Bonnie is a good friend of mine and worried sick.  Bonnie this prayer of guidence and love is for you and your family as your son Kenneth embarks on a journey of the mind and the soul. God Bless where ever he goes...
9/21/04 -
Our son Ben ( 7 ) was diagnosed at age 6 with Bipolar disorder.We knew since his birth that something was not right with our son.We have been on a roller coaster ride with him ,through having up to 20 seizures a day , to raging so bad that he has even caused his pets to die.
   He can be the most loving , caring person , Funny , always loves to play tricks on you !
   It has been hard for his siblings too , Jessica ( 9 ) and Joshua ( 5 ) ,  as they bear the brunt of his emotions.
   Could you say a prayer for us,
Thanking you , The Martin Family.
No problem. God Bless Ben and his family.  Love and faith goes a LONG way!
Please send prayers to Betsy and her family for her precious daughter,  Emma. Emma will be going to a place outside of her home that will hopefully be more beneficial at this time so she can get the best help and treatment possible.  Emma knows this isn't "camp".  She knows she will be gone for awhile.  Besty and her family have mixed feelings. On the one hand you have relief that the family can now start to mend. As a sibling as once felt - "Emma has ruined everything for me most of my life."  We all know it's not just Bipolar Disorder.  We all know, BP can destroy the family. I give my hat off to Besty and her family. Although this is a very difficult decision - I know they are doing what is BEST for Emma and their family. God Bless Emma and may the Angels watch over her as she goes through this process. God Bless your family Besty.
7/12/04 -
This page, this website is for parents of children with mental challenges in particular - ADHD and Bipolar Disorder. It is amazing how the words "Prayer List for Families" can be found and we are found on  the www by ANYONE looking for a PRAYER for a loved one.  I am glad and honored although someone might ask to be included has nothing to do with the mental illnesses our children's face felt enough about their loved one to just......ask.  So, this one is for a special, teeny, tiny little angel, just born not too long ago. In her Grandpa's words:
Josslyn Rene Cappuccio born 7/03/04 & fighting for her life
Grandparents John & Hope
This prayer request is not related to Bipolar Disorder or ADHD, etc. BUT - I felt it proper to put it on here.  This girl needs prayers her way.  She has a lot of life to live, just graduated high school. Read her Aunts' request please:
I have a prayer request.  Would you pray for my niece Michelle.  She graduated from High School on June 4th and on June 5th her eye began to swell.  Last Saturday she had an emergency CAT Scan.  She has a tumor behind her left eye.  Monday she visited a  Ophthalmologist and he confirmed the findings.  On Tuesday she had a MRI and they found some suspicious spots on the lining of her brain.  On Wednesday she went to a Neurologist.  He stated that he believes that she has a Neural Fibroma.  They did lots of blood work looking at the markers for cancer. The test came back with good results.  No indication of cancer.  The Neurologist  stated that he believes that it is benign, and at this point is not pressing on the optic nerve.  He believes that she will have no vision loss.  Today at 12:45 they will be doing a biopsy of the tumor.  They will retract her ! eyelid and go behind the eye for the biopsy.  On July 9th she will have surgery for the removal of the tumor.  She is not a believer.  Please pray that the tumor is indeed benign and that she would come to the realization that she needs a personal relationship with Christ.
Shellys' sister's son killed himself after his father and uncle found him hanging.  He had Bipolar disorder and some how lost his battle with it.  This is a very painful time for Shellie and her family.  Please pray for her, her sister and her entire family as this is a tragedy no parent, family member should ever have to feel and deal with.  Hugs and blessings to this family. God bless the child who felt he could no longer go on. He's with the Angels now and they will take care and bless him with a peace he probably never knew here on Earth.
Kasey's daughter Sydney is being tested for childhood Leukemia. Please keep Sydney in your prayers and hope that this is not what is ailing this child. She has been suffering back pains and fevers.  God Bless this family.  Please let this not be the case.
5/16/04 -
In her own words: 
I love that you do this for people.  Tristan could use some prayers right now, too.  Alot is going on in his life, and more is to come.  We are still trying to get meds figured out (he's been dx'd since '02, but the bipolar only came at the start of this year -- and the meds are an ever-changing evolution for dosage) ... he has been losing teachers all school-year - his teacher of the hearing impaired a few months, and now, with only a month left in school, he has a new 2nd grade teacher (both due to health issues) ... myhubby is on a different work schedule now where he works a different rotation every week, leaving the kids without seeming him for days at a time ... due to the Navy, we are moving to CT this summer, and he's just now beginning to fear it.
This is alot for any child to handle, let alone a child such as Tristan.  I'm sure prayers would help us all.
Prayers are with Tristan and your family, Carrie.
Beverly,  Mom to Kaden and her family are going through some very tough challenges in their lives at this time.  Kaden is in the hospital and we are hoping and praying that this will be the time, the Dr's are able to help him get stable.  It's never easy to leave a child in the hospital, but often it is the last resort.  God Bless you Kaden and your family.
"Sparky",  the "real Mom" to Bryan and her family is facing some really tough challenges at this time in Bryan's life.  Bryan is in the hospital due to erratic behavior due to Bipolar Disorder. Medications he was on just are not right.  Please keep Bryan and his family in your prayers.
This lady has bent over backwards for this child and this child deserves like all of our angels a chance of a happy and mentally, physically  healthy  life.
God Bless Bryan and his family.
Laura, Mom to Landon is 7 years old and suffers from ADHD and Bipolar Disorder.  Landon has had several "bad" weeks at school. He went through some medication changes and is no longer ranging thankfully but the school has decided they do not want him there  and that it is not an "appropriate" placement, so we are having to do battle with them. In the meantime, Landon is not receiving the services  he needs at school and is getting behind  academically.  Laura and her family have a strong faith in the Lord and know the battle ultimately belongs to Him.  They would appreciate prayers and thoughts their way as they fight for Landon's rights!
My thoughts and prayers go out to you Laura and your family. Of all things to have to go on, this is one that should not be. Landon is very lucky to have you as his loving, supportive parents.
Jen :)

Lynne Mom of 17 year old Robbie says: "We are three months down the road now and Robbie has been suspended from school for possession, he had pot, and put into the county school for behavioral problems (did well) and 2 weeks ago he went into the county juvenile detention center (JDC) for domestic violence. 

I am actually the one who called the police.  I haven’t called the police in several years. 


Lord, help the ones who just don't know they need the help.  Lynne, keep strong, stay vigilent and keep on researching and looking for help. Exhaust all avenues. We've sent you some links we hope that will provide some assistance.

God help you and your family during this crisis.




Jackie and Mark of CT have an adopted son named Larry.  Jackie and Mark knew Larry had challenges and took him into their loving home so that he could be a part of a loving family that would honor, protect and nuture him.   Larry has not been dx'd with Bipolar but it is clear to his parents that he is showing rapid cycling to the point where they are trying to seek immediate help at their hospital.  This child is on meds, but it's obvsiously not enough or absolutly not what will help him so please send a prayer and a hug in your thoughts to CT as this wonderful and giving couple try to help this precious little boy.
God Bless,
Melissa's son Anthony is going through a rough time right now.  Trying to get medications right is probably one of the most frustrating.  Being put on a waiting list, because there is no room in a hospital is devistating. What do ya do??  My prayers go out to Melissa and her family as they try to do all they can with Drs'  to help Anthony.  God Bless!!
Alice of Vermont, Mom to Ashley age 12 is in the hospital with current diagnoses - ADHD & LD's, Bipolar rapid cycling, ODD and is 3.5 years delayed.   Everybody please think about Ashley and all the children on this page.  They all really need our support.  Their families would appreciate the extra thoughts as it really does go along way.
God Bless and Hugs,
Karen of Ohio, Mom to Billy, emailed me specifically to ask for prayers for Billy.  Just as the two Angels below this post, Billy is in as Karen calls it, "The medication nightmare zone."  Trying to take care of the  focusing problem by an increase of Concerta but then having problems with Bipolar symptoms, so increasing Seroquel but now Billy cannot focus again.  Karen, I feel your frustrations and it must be tough on Billy.  Readers,  remember this Angel in your prayers.  Karen says through all of this, he is smiling and laughing - what a strong Angel he must be. :)   Let us hope the Dr. can get it  balanced!  Bless you Billy, Karen and family. 
Andrea in NH, Mom to Christopher age 6 needs some prayers his way.  Christopher is in the stage of the roller coaster ride with medications.  Have not quite hit the comb. of meds that will help the greatest.  For every good day, there is a bad day.
Please keep Christopher in your prayers.  He is a sweetie and I love having him in our album. God Bless you Christopher and family.
Kim of the Gulf Coast has a son who was a blessing from the start as she saved him from a life that could have been devistating. He is an adopted child, but really - he was born to Kim, just got the stork basket mixed up. :)  Little Dylan is 3 years old and is going through the roller coaster stage as well. He is fortunate to be so young and to have a BP diagnosis. Prray for little Dylan as he and his parents walk this life of challenges  because in the end, victory over this illness will happen. God Bless Kim, Dylan and Family.
Kathleen in Illinois wrote me about her son Danny. Danny is currently in the hospital right now under going evaluation.
Danny has ADHD and Bipolar Disorder, so let's hope the Drs can get it right and get him on meds that will help Danny lead a healthier, happier life that all children deserve to have.
God Bless you Danny.   Kathleen and family, keep the faith.
Barbara, Mom to Emily age 8 share some things in common.
Both are struggling with ADD and Bipolar Disorder.  Like a boat lost at sea - the two of them hold onto each other like the wood that holds the boat together struggling, drifting refusing to sink.   My thoughts and prayers are with you two.  A special connection that I know many share, we just do not know about them. Many parents share the same difficulties their children do.  Stay vigilent and strong - you two will see it through.
Kathy in Mass.  Thank you for letting me know about 11 year old Austin.  I will be thinking about you and your family as Austin makes his way back to the hospital.  I hope THIS time, the Dr's are able to get a "handle" of his condition and that whatever treatment they provide, will help him to become a healthier and happier young man.  Bless you and your family.
 Jan in Illinois, this is  for you, for your sons' who've been hospitalized 20 times in the past 14 years combined, I give prayers to you and them that they continue to  find themselves,, find their callings, both  settle  down to the ground, firmly planting their  feet and let that "bear" inside of them hybernate, so they can continue to  lead happier, healthier llives. God Bless you, sons and Mom. You are a Mom who never gave up and I can tell, never will.   I know all who read our prayer list will think about you and your sons.
Lisa, Mom of Brittney is going through a tough time right now. On top of that, Brittney's Grand Dad had several small strokes that went undetected, so we want to include him on our prayer list as well.  God bless you and your family Lisa. Take one day at time and take a deep breath!

Just want to extend  thoughts and prayers to "Maria" and her Angel son  Ian,  during this very trying and difficult time.
Blessings to you and your family, Maria.
Please keep "Kelly" and her daughter Lauren in your thoughts and prayers.  Lauren resides in a RTC right now and will probably be there  for the remainder of the school year.
All of our children walk their own different destiny in this Bipolar journey.  One may be in a Residential Treatment Center for months, while others are able to get by but only by a thread at home... this illness is very cruel.  That's why it's so important to "be there" when parents are landing on a "hard fall".
They need our support. :)
Hugs and best wishes to you Kelly, Lauren and your family,